
Kamdyn's Journey

Customized Wellness Support with IV Therapy


"I experienced months of fatigue after recovering from mono. Into the Woods Wellness helped me get back to feeling like myself again – able to stay awake in class, go to work full days and hang out with my friends again."

– Kamdyn, Student from Fond du Lac community 

Kylee, Kamdyn’s mom, knew something was still off for her son when months went by and he was still falling asleep in every class and always exhausted. While the major symptoms of mono had gone away, chronic fatigue remained. Kamdyn’s grades were dropping significantly and he was struggling to get back to his normal, high school self.

Kamdyn, his mom, and Jen at Into The Woods Wellness sat down to discuss what was all going on and what could help get Kamdyn back to being an energetic, teenager again.

After only three weeks of weekly IV Nutrient therapy, infrared sauna sessions, salt booth therapy, and adding essential supplements to his routine, Kamdyn finally started to notice a substantial improvement in his energy and felt like himself again. He shares: “I loved going to Into The Woods Wellness. It was comfortable, affordable, and like a second home. They helped get me back to who I was before mono. I highly recommend for your wellness needs, as well as any cold relief and prevention!”

Why Kamdyn recommends Into The Woods Wellness

to support your unique wellness Journey

Energy for School, Work & Life

I'm grateful for the support to help me fully recover from mono and the constant exhaustion that followed. IV Nutrient Therapy is something I going to stick with to support my health.

Nutrient Supplementation

Being younger, I had no idea what vitamins and supplements my body really needed to heal and continue to grow. Into The Woods Wellness suggested a simple B12 supplement addition to my routine and it made a huge difference.

Immune System Support

All of the services I tried at Into The Woods Wellness (sauna, salt booth, IV therapy, and supplements) have made a difference in my everyday energy, but especially in preventing or clearing up sickness. I tell everybody – if you start to feel a cold coming on, get to Into The Woods Wellness.

The Team & Wellness Support

I developed some great relationships with the team at Into The Woods Wellness. I was excited to go every week and it felt like as a second home. The sauna was always like a dessert. You get your own little room. You can go in there, play your music, relax and sweat it all out.

Customize your IV
for your unique health needs

Not sure what nutrients and minerals would support your body best? Our professionally trained and experienced nurses can make a complimentary (free) recommendation after consulting with you on how you’re feeling and reviewing your medical history.

Explore the Healing modalities available

Infrared Sauna

with chromotherapy (color light therapy); an effective tool for natural healing and prevention of many diseases.

Detox Foot Bath

An energetic foot bath that will cleanse at the cellular level through the healing power of ions.

IV Nutrient Therapy

Deliver nutrients directly into your bloodstream to support your mind & body with essential wellness and hydration.

Respiratory Care

Support for conditions such as asthma, COPD, bronchitis, pneumonia, and long haul Covid.

Personalized Wellness Programs

Take control of your well-being with our five pillars of health.

Personalized Wellness Programs

Hormones, Detox, Fitness, Nutrition, Mentoring
Learn more

BEMER Therapy

Improve circulation & oxygen delivery in your body for numerous health benefits!

BEMER Therapy

8 Minutes Is All You Need to Improve Your Life
Learn More